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Ending Our Click-Bait Culture: Why Progressives Must Break the Power of Facebook and Google


June 10, 2020 - Economic Liberties released “Ending our Click-Bait Culture: Why Progressives Must Break the Power of Facebook and Google,” a new policy quick take that explains why antitrust enforcement, combined with changing the rules that protect Facebook and Google’s business model, is the only way to sustainably address their range of harms.

Public Seminar: Tesla’s Latest Rip-Off

State and Local Policy

June 8, 2020 — Economic Liberties' Director of State and Local Policy Pat Garofalo published a piece in Public Seminar, calling out Tesla CEO Elon Musk for corruptly side-stepping coronavirus-imposed restrictions in California, and illustrating why cities and states need to stand up to large corporations.

American Compass: Moving The Chains

Anti-Monopoly Policies & EnforcementCOVID-19 Economy

June 8, 2020—Economic Liberties’ Research Director Matt Stoller wrote in the American Compass about the relationship between consolidation and lost production capacity, explaining the importance of bringing back critical supply chains —including those for medical supplies and medicine.

Washington Post: Restaurants are barely surviving. Delivery apps will kill them.

COVID-19 EconomyState and Local PolicyTech

May 29, 2020 - Economic Liberties’ Senior Fellow Maureen Tkacik published took on GrubHub, UberEats, DoorDash and Postmates in the Washington Post, explaining how their use of anticompetitive and unfair practices harms consumers, workers and restaurants.

ProMarket: The Death of Independent Podcasting: What Spotify Is Trying to Do With the Joe Rogan Deal


May 28, 2020 - Economic Liberties’ Research Director Matt Stoller explained Spotify’s new effort to control independent podcasting in ProMarket, detailing why we should worry about their attempts to monetize and assert power over podcast distribution and ad targeting.

The Hill: Rethinking the Fed

Anti-Monopoly Policies & EnforcementFinance

May 27, 2020 - Economic Liberties’ Senior Fellow Graham Steele described how the Federal Reserve is using its power to usher support to Wall Street and large corporations, preserving a status quo that marginalizes the needs of millions of Americans, in The Hill.