New York Daily News: The devious COVID-19 liability push: Mitch McConnell’s push for coronavirus immunity would shield big businesses that hurt their workers  

May 24, 2020 Independent Business & Entrepreneurship

For two months, Americans have watched the coronavirus pandemic halt economic life while Congress has ushered aid to big corporations and largely left small businesses fighting for scraps. Now, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wants to gift big corporations a get-out-of-jail-free card even when they have exposed their workers and the general public to the virus.

Under McConnell’s plan, businesses would be immune from legal liability related to COVID-19. Companies forcing workers onto the job too quickly or failing to provide proper protective equipment would avoid lawsuits. While proponents claim it’s needed to help small businesses reopen, blanket immunity is essentially just giving carte blanche to giant corporations with dubious histories of disregarding worker and consumer safety.

A recent report surveying workers’ access to personal protective equipment found that fewer than half of employees in big-box and department stores had access to gloves and just 15% had access to masks. The corporations that dominate these sectors can easily afford to ensure adequate worker and consumer safety; they’re investing in lobbying efforts to avoid accountability instead.