For press requests, please contact Jimmy Wyderko at or 301-221-7778.

DOJ Signals More Aggressive Stance on GPOs

February 6, 2023 — Following the American Economic Liberties Project’s advocacy against the Justice Department’s long-standing antitrust safety zone for medical supply middlemen called group purchasing organizations, the DOJ announced on February 3rd that it was withdrawing this outdated policy. In response to this news, the American Economic Liberties Project released the following statement.

BeatSeeker: The Fight to Break Up Ticketmaster

February 6, 2023 — Economic Liberties' Senior Policy Analyst Krista Brown joined BeatSeeker to discuss the fight to break up Ticketmaster.

Business Insider: Arizona’s terrible NHL team is begging voters for $200 million to build a permanent home, but stadiums are consistently huge money pits

February 6, 2023 — Economic Liberties Director of State & Local Policy Pat Garofalo spoke with Business Insider about the latest professional sports team begging for taxpayer money to build a stadium.